I left alone in the office today..Yeay!! \(^_^)/ can do notty thing rite now..haha I view my fren FB, Kelly..and I see pic of the place that I luv so much! Fullhouse Cafe!
I luv the decoration of the cafe. Really amazing! They decorate it like a house english style and its all white! i like!! Wish I can celebrate my birthday at here which it never happen at all.haha. Kelly said the food is not bad when I can taste it (*_~) This place is really suitable to those who really want to make any event coz they offer this service. Just contact them and they will entertain u!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Today i went to hospital to do my follow up check up y i need to do dis check up?? This few week I feel so stressed..my head become more dizzy than before sumtime i can't stand straight! my eye become more blurred.. at midnite,my body freeze out untill I can't feel my leg! Keep on black-out so may times.. So weird rite?? I nvr been like dis before..
Before dis I already do my check up.. than dat day they call me back..ask me to do check up again for what?? mayb they figure up sumtin after dat hope not too serious..Wish I will b alrite..and they inject me for my allergy dermatitis so bad lor them all.. even i dun want to b inject,I still need it coz so long I nvr take my medicine..
*Pray dat its not too serious~~
Before dis I already do my check up.. than dat day they call me back..ask me to do check up again for what?? mayb they figure up sumtin after dat hope not too serious..Wish I will b alrite..and they inject me for my allergy dermatitis so bad lor them all.. even i dun want to b inject,I still need it coz so long I nvr take my medicine..
*Pray dat its not too serious~~
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Luv it~~
I heard dis song on my way to office..really deep into my heart..just take a look to it lyrics..
Sujud sukur padamu atas segala cinta
Ketika cinta bertasbih
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
Bertuturlah cinta
Mengucap satu nama
Seindah goresan sabdamu dalam kitabku
Cinta yang bertasbih
Mengutus hati ini
Ku sandarkan hidup dan matiku padamu
Bisikkan doaku
Dalam butiran tasbih
Kupanjatkan pintaku padamu Maha Cinta
Sudah di ubun-ubun cinta mengusik resah
Tak bisa kupaksa walau hatiku menjerit
Ketika cinta bertasbih nadiku berdenyut merdu
Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
Sujud sukur padamu atas segala cinta
Sujud sukur padamu atas segala cinta
Ketika cinta bertasbih
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Raya time!!~~
And take time to visit my friend,anim n her lil child my foster child..hehe can't wait she grown up aunty will buy u gorgeous dress for u lil princess ;)
she's sleeping when i come her house
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Dinner at McD!!
Yesterday is the beginning of school holiday during working day my sis sent her 2 daughter to my aunt house dats mean their grandma lor.. their lil sis is not going wit them lil auny la..who else?? she's so mad coz can't follow her sis go back hometown..she keep on crying better u nvr noe how she look like while crying.. then my sis sent her to the baby sitter house,she said to her mom,"today we go to McDonald,can??" (-_-)' my sis emo dat time..
So,dat nite we go to eat McD! see her face when she get wat she want;
So,dat nite we go to eat McD! see her face when she get wat she want;
Monday, November 23, 2009
lil' munchkin~
I really miss my lil niece n nephew.So i went to my sis house last weekend,n play wit them..kids really makes me happy only the good kid..hehehe i really luv kids but can i dun want to marry?? really stressed when all dis people ask me to marry early..its none of their business..dun keep on pushing me to do wat i dun want to do..do not feel to do dat anymore..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Miss Him Badly~~
I really miss him sobsob.. he still busy till today since monday he keep on bz..huhu he didn't have time to sms@call me..just call me last nite..coz he went home 4 to sleep for a few hour.. keep on doing his work..when i can spend my time wit him??
miss u so much bb..
miss u so much bb..
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bored Weekend~~
My weekend past with bored..coz bb is not here..huhu.. last Saturday I went to PWTC.. already promise wit my BFF to met them there. we promise to go Wedding Fair together..them who want to b married..not me,k??..I dunno what happenin to me dat day, I went there by ktm!!r u sick awin??or sumtin wrong wit ur head??Its been almost a year I nvr use public transport to go anywhere once a few months a go I use ktm wit bb,from batu tiga to kl sentral,just bcoz yani borrow my car..hehehe..i’m totally forget how to use the public transport!!I bought the ticket and walk to the platform. when I’m standing there, I just saw the destination board is that wat they call it??gosh.. do I need to transit at KL Sentral?! seriously I’m not familiar wit KTM..I know how to use other public transport, but not KTM!! I text my lil’ bro, ask him what I should do. he laugh to me!!ok2..u win..I stand all d way to PWTC..its tired..but its ok.I don’t hv to drive..hehehe..I text my BFF,ask where they r. they reply still at d hospital. So I decide to stop at Sogo for a while My sis said they having sale..hehe.. I just walk around the mall while waiting for them coz dun hv money to buy anything..huhu..After an hour at Sogo, I went to PWTC. They still not arrive yet. So I went to Career Fair first. Just a few step, sum1 called my name. it’s Neno, my friend. She came wit her new bf, Daus not my BFF k??they try to search new job. Then I met Yani n her bf. Aish..only me alone witout bb..huhuhu.. After they left, I wait 4 my BFF at d lobby. I text her,ask when she will arrived. She reply, she won’t b there coz she not well gosh..nvr mind..she’s sick..pity her.. but she said, they will fetch me there and treats me lunch..yeay!! They ask me to wait at the bus stop opposite The Mall. They fetch me there so long I nvr ride this Tenggiling pepel,but I much more miss white rabbit. hahaha After a while we round the PWTC, they decide to eat at The Mall just want to waste petrol round PWTC..hahaha.. We went to Pizza Hut. And Daus n Fara start to order so many thing. They ordered the new pizza I don’t know what the name salad, garlic bread, mushroom soup, chicken wing, snack platter waaa….soo many..dunno can finish or not..One by one of the dishes been served..Time to eat!! Nyum nyum After that,they send me at Kepong Sentral KTM Station. They ask me to call them after I reach home coz they never leave me alone like that thanks dear coz really take care of me..
I really miss my bb when I reach home..I missed call him he always babble when I do like dat..hehe I talk wit him one hour n more..really miss him..huhu We keep talking until he scold me coz still not bath yet..hehe he really bright my day..Miss u so much dear..Luv u..
I really miss my bb when I reach home..I missed call him he always babble when I do like dat..hehe I talk wit him one hour n more..really miss him..huhu We keep talking until he scold me coz still not bath yet..hehe he really bright my day..Miss u so much dear..Luv u..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bad day~~
OMG...i got PMS today!!damn hurt..i cannot move at all..luckly i need to call the winners only today..owh..talk bout calling winners,i call 10 winners for today..left 5 more to call..im not really like to call dis winner..y i should call them??its ur job dear..u need too..ok2..i get it(-_-)'
I call 1 of dis winner,a Malay women.1st thing she ask to me;'is dis really from ... bank?coz i got a lot of dis type of call..most of it is cheating'.then i said to her;'no ma'am.dis is really from ... bank.we did not cheat any1.we not ah long,we just nak tolong.' she laugh when she hear what i said the bank will kill me if they heard this record x| then i start to ask the question and she answer it correctly!yeay!she really happy coz winning the prize even the prize is not big..haha then she start to talk wat she have won b4 so many she won b4 dis!!! sum of the winner is so damn quiet when i ask..so many type of people that i facing here sum of them like to flirt..yuks!!
sumtime i luv to work here..sumtime not..haish..i dunno what to do..wat i'm searching now?i think now is better than b4..plz b gratefull..
I call 1 of dis winner,a Malay women.1st thing she ask to me;'is dis really from ... bank?coz i got a lot of dis type of call..most of it is cheating'.then i said to her;'no ma'am.dis is really from ... bank.we did not cheat any1.we not ah long,we just nak tolong.' she laugh when she hear what i said the bank will kill me if they heard this record x| then i start to ask the question and she answer it correctly!yeay!she really happy coz winning the prize even the prize is not big..haha then she start to talk wat she have won b4 so many she won b4 dis!!! sum of the winner is so damn quiet when i ask..so many type of people that i facing here sum of them like to flirt..yuks!!
sumtime i luv to work here..sumtime not..haish..i dunno what to do..wat i'm searching now?i think now is better than b4..plz b gratefull..
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Last weekend i went to penang wit my luv and his family i spend my time wit my future mom-in law^_^ Its really enjoy..so long i never spend a long time with my luv...hehe gigles i'm waiting my luv to arrive kl on friday nite along wit his family..before dat i went to my colleagues farewell party..me,Jhen n JC arrived there late..then Li mMing call me when we on the way to Pyramid..she ask whether i join them on the party or not..i said YES!! the most shock me is,she said they change to Republic gosh..Its not italianese?? i'm wondering,should i go join them??then i believe to Jenna..it must be ok..when i arrive there,they buy all the food from italiannese..thank to them for understand..hehe..
then i rush to pudu to take my luv at there before went to penang sorry guys for drop for a while only..will join all of you again later.. when i reach there, i can see my luv walk to my car dear..u seem chubby a lil bit :o waa..so long i nvr seen him.. only 2 week ok..watever :p seem like his sis so surprise to see me,espcly nisha coz we know each other since at uni10..haha i just silent in all the way back to my sis house damn..y im quite dat time??r u shy?? i ask them to go into my sis house my sis really want to see his family..haha we continue our journey to my house at taiping at 11pm gosh..must b late to reach home.. i drive until simpang pulai, then i ask my luv to drive for me coz i feel really sleepy sorry dear to ask u drive know what??he wake me up when almost reach changkat jering exit can u gv me a lil bit more sleep time dear?? he can't remember the direction to my house!! nvr mind..he just been there once :p we reach home 2.30am..so nice to be at home..haha
the next morning, we go to penang at 9.30am..and i'm driving to there..my luv dunno the road at penang..haha..1st thing,when to balik pulau the road damn sucks..but i luv it..hehehe..to my luv relatives house..there is a wedding at there..when i reach there,his uncle ask who i am my dear,please explain standard answer..friend..ahahaha.. i dun mind waiting untill the groom came,so tired..we eat all the things at there.. actually he the one ate too much then when to his aunt home at sg.ara n sleep there..the next day we just go to Queensbay Mall,eat nasi kandar nyum2..but not finish all go to Chowrasta Plaza buy jeruk for my aunt then go to Gurney Drive,Padang Kota n Queensbay Drive..see all the amatur play the kites and the air plane too!! Need to go back to taiping dat nite..so enjoy all the moment..and my luv also will go back to jb..sob sob..
then i rush to pudu to take my luv at there before went to penang sorry guys for drop for a while only..will join all of you again later.. when i reach there, i can see my luv walk to my car dear..u seem chubby a lil bit :o waa..so long i nvr seen him.. only 2 week ok..watever :p seem like his sis so surprise to see me,espcly nisha coz we know each other since at uni10..haha i just silent in all the way back to my sis house damn..y im quite dat time??r u shy?? i ask them to go into my sis house my sis really want to see his family..haha we continue our journey to my house at taiping at 11pm gosh..must b late to reach home.. i drive until simpang pulai, then i ask my luv to drive for me coz i feel really sleepy sorry dear to ask u drive know what??he wake me up when almost reach changkat jering exit can u gv me a lil bit more sleep time dear?? he can't remember the direction to my house!! nvr mind..he just been there once :p we reach home 2.30am..so nice to be at home..haha
the next morning, we go to penang at 9.30am..and i'm driving to there..my luv dunno the road at penang..haha..1st thing,when to balik pulau the road damn sucks..but i luv it..hehehe..to my luv relatives house..there is a wedding at there..when i reach there,his uncle ask who i am my dear,please explain standard answer..friend..ahahaha.. i dun mind waiting untill the groom came,so tired..we eat all the things at there.. actually he the one ate too much then when to his aunt home at sg.ara n sleep there..the next day we just go to Queensbay Mall,eat nasi kandar nyum2..but not finish all go to Chowrasta Plaza buy jeruk for my aunt then go to Gurney Drive,Padang Kota n Queensbay Drive..see all the amatur play the kites and the air plane too!! Need to go back to taiping dat nite..so enjoy all the moment..and my luv also will go back to jb..sob sob..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hurmm...so long i never post in my blog..really busy lately..dat day i eat durian wit my cousin n my lil' niece..Wow!!She really enjoy the durian.we already eat 1.Then my sis open up 1 more because it was so lil.Not enough for 3 of us!!just said that u r greedy gal...when we open the other 1,there were durian in a durian!!so amazing!!

Friday, October 9, 2009
~Friday Mood~
This is the 1st time i post out to my blog.Actually at dis moment,all of my colleague,also my bos,went out to The Curve for lunch *untill now still not back yet..haih.. So i doing all the bad thing when they out..Hahaha.. this is the best ever friday i never had*during working hour only,ok??
Owh..my parent will come over dis weekend..I really miss them alreadysobsob.. I don't know what the planning for tomorrow,but it surely will be nice when all of my family is here..hurmm..i hope this weekend will be a long weekend..see u soon..
Owh..my parent will come over dis weekend..I really miss them alreadysobsob.. I don't know what the planning for tomorrow,but it surely will be nice when all of my family is here..hurmm..i hope this weekend will be a long weekend..see u soon..
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