Happy Belated Anniversary Mr.A ;p coz dis entry was late b written out..ngeeeee
Few days b4 the day, I having my daily web browsing, searching for the perfect gift to gift to him or in other way is SURPRISE!!gagagagaga I keep on searching the things which can afford my budget coz it was almost end of the month -.-' I want them to send it to him on dat day. So I find the website dat provide delivery at Johor. After 1 day survey on the net, I found dis

Hahahaha..I know it was ridiculous. A girl send flower n choc to a boy??? People will say it was nonsense, but I like to do it who care 4 wat other people will think aite?? I know he is not a romantic person, so y i need to wait for him to do the surprise?hahahaa sorry dear.ngate sket j ^.^'
I know dat dis thing will make a big huha at his office. He always said dat he is popular. Just add some glamour element to it..hahahaha sorry dear ;p And as expected, please see below :p
Anan dapat Bunga!!!
The first sms I get from him : Bg bunge ek???tq... i know he is shock!!!
2nd SMS : Kecoh oooo satu opis anan dpt bunga!!!!!! hahahaha GOTCHA!!
That is special to u..hehehe..Dat nite he text me again n said thanks for the gift n wait for 4th of August. Sumtin special for me dat day which make me questioning,dreaming and counting the day i hate surprise which need to wait -.-'
Da day is come..day dat I met him to watch Cuci The Musical 2 together. He knock my car mirror and open the car door. He gave me a bag and say, 'Happy Anniversary'. I opened the box and;

It was a watch!!! I really need a watch as my ex-watch was lost during my BFF wedding. Tq dear for the gift!!!Really appreciate it..Luv u so much lah \(^_^)/