Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Takziah kepada family Mr.A di atas pemergian nenda@patti pada pukul 4 petang tadi. Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan urusan-Nya. Dan saya tidak sempat untuk bjumpa patti untuk kesekian kalinya :(
Monday, March 21, 2011
Permulaan Isnin~
Bila saya diam, tak semestinya saya membenarkan apa saja orang kata. Bila saya menjawab, orang kata saya kurang ajar. Walaupun berpangkat besar dari saya, tak semestinya segala yang dia buat adalah betul dan apa saya buat adalah salah. Saya adalah manusia biasa yang sering melakukan kesalahan. Dan tak semestinya segalanya adalah salah.
Susah untuk kita puaskan hati orang lain. Tapi bila kita ikut cara mereka, makin banyak kesilapan yang kita lakukan. Jadi, adakah saya yang bersalah atau orang tersebut yang bersalah? Degil saya bertempat. Bukan degil tidak bertempat. Saya cuba puaskan hati semua, tapi saya minta maaf sekiranya masih ada yang tersinggung dengan sikap saya.
Entry ini bukan untuk mengata sesiapa. Tapi saya meluahkan apa yang saya rasa. Kalau tak suka, sila jangan buka belog saya. Saya tak berniat jahat. Ada aku kesah?
*p.s Siapa mahu pergi wedding Anan & Elin di S.Alam pula?bukan Mr.A saya yg bkahwin ya? Sila angkat mouse anda!Saya mahu ikuttt~*
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Happy Newly Wed!

*Pic Credit to Nita-curi dr fb u dear*
Maaf Pn.Nita kerana saya mengambil gambar awk tnp btanya. Saya tiada gambar pengantin b2 kerana kebizian mencari tempat duduk & merasa makanan bersama Mr.A. maafkan sikap buruk lantak kami-.-' Mr.A kata dia ada syer dengan syarikat katering itu kerana ada nama die shame2 la awk ni-.-'
Ok. Jangan amik takhta Raja & Ratu Sehari di sini. Ini adalah kawan saya semasa bersekolah di RPS dulu. Si cantik manis, saye doakan kalian berdua bahagia hingga akhir hayat. En.Anan Adli, sile jgn buli Pn. sebenarnya nk pggl cik td:p Redzlin Hasyim. Kamu memang secocok bersama. Aduhhhh! :p
Tapi, saya mmg adore dgn wedding kamu b2. Sggh comel & sggh sweet. Kalaulah konsep wedding saye boleh ditukar, alangkah bagusnya =.=' Jika ada siapa2 ada idea untuk mengdeco wedding sndr,bolehlah mintak tips dr Pn.Elin ye? Kalau Pn.Elin rase rajin untuk DIY lg,bolehlah DIY untuk wedding saye nnt ye? Tehehehe. Nanti saye blanje makan di Pasar Stadium S.Alam :p saye sedang berjimat cermat untuk persiapan kahwin,bukan kedekut :p
Sekali lagi, Selamat Pengantin Baru! Sile tambah Anan Jr & Elin Jr cepat2!HAHA sile abaikan sikap kurang sopan saye ini ^.^'
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Best Gift~
Having sore throat+flu+fever, is the best complete package dat I nvr hv! For 2 week! Its stop me from doing my job. Mayb u will ask y I need my voice if I only do accounts & admin,aite? Coz my job scope include calling people on behalf of client. Means, I need to call about 20+ pax per day. And wit voice like dis, its gonna difficult to me to talk I noe my voice is almost da same wit Ramli Sarip,as said by Mr.A -.-'
Back to main topic. Last 2 weeks I went to Hari Kraf Kebangsaan at Jalan Conlay, KL. I manage to find wat I have searching b4. Wanna noe wat is it?
It was Bunga Pahar in Songket! Finally, I manage to find the thing dat I want. I already ask from lot of this type of Bunga Pahar maker for the price. It was too costly for me. Finally, I manage to find this company that can give the best price, and within our budget \(^^)/
They were 1 of the big name in the industry. And the PR is so good It was the most important aspect if u want to sell ur product ya? Even we just come to ask, she entertain us like a friend, not like others when u ask,they will ask u to check the price at the price tag.WTH?
After discuss wit Mr.A, we hv decide to choose this company for our vendor for bunga pahar and VIP door gift. And we will consider songket box for 1 of the VIP door gift. Alhamdulillah~
Back to main topic. Last 2 weeks I went to Hari Kraf Kebangsaan at Jalan Conlay, KL. I manage to find wat I have searching b4. Wanna noe wat is it?
It was Bunga Pahar in Songket! Finally, I manage to find the thing dat I want. I already ask from lot of this type of Bunga Pahar maker for the price. It was too costly for me. Finally, I manage to find this company that can give the best price, and within our budget \(^^)/
They were 1 of the big name in the industry. And the PR is so good It was the most important aspect if u want to sell ur product ya? Even we just come to ask, she entertain us like a friend, not like others when u ask,they will ask u to check the price at the price tag.WTH?
After discuss wit Mr.A, we hv decide to choose this company for our vendor for bunga pahar and VIP door gift. And we will consider songket box for 1 of the VIP door gift. Alhamdulillah~
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Yes. I'm totally disappointed. I really need sum1 to hear my heart crying. I need sum1 to heal my pain. Can sum1 lend me their shoulder?
Really frustrated wit all the ongoing things. Should I close the book or not?
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