Last Sunday I manage to spend my time to watch muvee wit my dear Mr.A. And he decide to watch Twilight. Me? I'm ok with it. The main reason I want to watch it was,

Yes! Just only about the wedding dress! I watch the muvee just for the wedding dress. Sound funny aite? A lot of rumors said that the wedding dress is so damn beautiful, make my heart jumping all around to see it myself! After I see it, what I could say is, it totally make my heart melts~

Can u see the back of the dress? It was so WOW! I am truly,deeply,falling in love with it! I wish I could have this for my wedding. Yes, it was too sexy for hijab girl like me to wear it. But we can change it aite?

See the how they adjust it to make Bella easy to move around. I am totally in it! Yes! Definitely! The material for this wedding dress is Crepe Silk and French Chantilly Lace. I use the same material for my E-Day dress. For Crepe Silk, you can get it at Jakel, Gulatis or any other places. The price is about RM70++/m, or more. Depends on the shop :) For French Chantilly Lace, it will cost you da bomb absolutely!
Try to survey the price first befor you buy. And make sure how many meters that you need for a dress. For my size, I would need 4 meters for this kind of design. How bout yours? :)
p.s Pic from
Bridal Guide, courtesy from Summit Entertainment